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New Song Academy, Inc.​Preschool and Childcare

As children grow and develop skills, different ways of learning are needed.  Thus, for the students at New Song, the program will include the following:

  1. Spiritual Development:  We want the child to know:  that God created the world and everything that exists He created; that Jesus is God's Son; that God loves them; that Jesus is their friend.  We believe to be a complete person, the child needs to know why they are a spiritual being created by God and born to bring God glory.  This goal will be sought through scripture verse memory, Bible reading and stories, prayers, Christian music, and daily conversations in the classroom and during "Chapel" time where Jesus and God are included.
  2. Language Development:  Children learn to express thought and concepts through language.  The teacher helps children to learn new words through exercises and songs, and "hands-on" activities.  Numbers are taught through songs, counting, sight recognition, and in music the same way as phonics, through repetition.
  3. Cognitive Development:  ​Learning concepts, which develop the "thinking" process, such as one-many, big-little, over-under.  We also work to develop a child's understanding of logical consequences to choices.
  4. Gross Motor Development:  Children need outdoor play area and climbing opportunities to develop healthy bodies.  Equipment is geared to the skills of the child enabling them to exercise and learn to take risks appropriate for their individual development stage.  Running, throwing balls and beanbags, jumping, dancing, gymnastics and sports also offer opportunities for large muscle development and is offered through our Physical Education program.
  5. Fine Motor Development:  We continue the development of hand-eye coordination and development of finger dexterity for all students.  This is incorporated in our overall reading readiness program.
  6. Individual self-awareness:  Children are interested in taking care of themselves as self-awareness increases with age.  Children are encouraged to dress themselves (outer wear), put away their own toys and supplies in the cubby, prepare and serve snacks and hang their own art work.  Each child's birthday is celebrated at NSAI.  All activities are designed to give each child a good feeling of their place at the Academy and develop self-esteem in their work.
  7. Social Development:  Children enjoy doing things with other children and with adults.  In order to encourage and help improve these relationships, the children need to learn to respect the needs of others.  When one child desires a toy another child has, they are guided to express their desire in words, not actions such as biting, grabbing or hitting.  Patient repetition of the basic rules of good social interaction permits group play at an early age.  We realize conflict is at times inevitable, but we strive to teach your child good resolve in order for all those involved to maintain their integrity.